Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the divine intoxication


The Wine & Wondrous Nonsense

Jul 31, 2020

Saying For Today: You can drink all of the Wine you want, but the Wine, not you, is what intoxicates. In this way, to be intoxicated is to be awake to Life in a way you never dreamed possible, at least not for you.

Dining Out at Hollyhock Place

Brian Wilcox 'Dining Out at Hollyhock Place'

Presence is not religious or spiritual, not not-religious or not not-spiritual, not anything or not not-something. Presence is Presence. Life flows from many earthen vessels, while there is One.

Ephesians 5.18 (TLV) -

And do not get drunk on wine, for that is recklessness. Instead, be filled with the Ruach [spirit, Spirit].

There're many wines
but One alone
which won't, finally, leave your heart sick
Drink of that Grace
flowing from the Beloved
is the Beloved - You -
Then, gaze into the Sky -
No Beloved, No You, Nothing but this Looking
Don't tell anyone -
they'll think you're weird
for talking such wondrous nonsense

When we are ready, seeing happens. There is no way of telling how such comes to happen or what happens. At most, we can cooperate to get prepared to see.

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You can drink all of the Wine you want, but the Wine, not you, is what intoxicates. In this way, to be intoxicated is to be awake to Life in a way you never dreamed possible, at least not for you. Another way of speaking of the intoxication is that you are always in Love. You find, then, this intoxication, this Love, is not first an affection, but a state of being, an openness, a receptivity, a breathing invitation, a mirror of the One, Presence appearing in all presences, Life manifesting in all lives.

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In this Spirit-inebriation, we learn Life, or Presence, is not anything objective. We discover we are not an objective presence; instead, Spirit manifests in the appearance of objectivity. We learn to relax into the pure Subjectivity of Life, Love, Presence - God. We learn to witness the arising of what we experience as the way Presence appears in the appearances of this world. Then, nothing is essentially unholy, for all is Presence actualizing itself in the dualities of matter, body, and mind.

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When we have reached the outposts of the mind, we are ready for the journey to the heart.

*Francis Lucille. The Perfume of Silence.

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(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2020


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the divine intoxication

©Brian Wilcox 2024